artists' books today
IAN BREAKWELL: '10 diary pages 1969-82'
published by Norwich School of Art, Norwich, England, 1983 Height 34 cm x 17 cm width
Ian Breakwell (1943 - 2005)
Ian was born in Derby and the recent (2010) exhibition at the Quad gallery in the centre of Derby gave an insight into his talent as a poet and artist.
Valérie Prot
"Els equinoïdeus" 2014
The work of Akiko Hasegawa was shown recently in the Marges-U gallery in Cadaqués, Spain More information about this artist can be obtained from the MARGES-U GALLERY
The work of Akiko Hasegawa was shown recently in the Marges-U gallery in Cadaqués, Spain More information about this artist can be obtained from the MARGES-U GALLERY
Book project Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, UK; Angelo di Cinto
Just before the First World War had engulfed Europe groups of avant garde artists began to concentrate on manifestos pamphlets, posters and books. This may have been seen as a way of creating publicity but it was also a way of broadcasting ideas to people who, traditionally, may not have entered art galleries. These groups included the Italian Futurists and the Vorticist group in Britain where Wyndham Lewis was instrumental in the publication of "Blast" a literary magazine with a modernist design.
Artists in Russia were influenced by the Italian Futurists and their leader Marinetti. This group of artists was based in Moscow where the poets David and Nikolai Burliuk, Elena Guro, Vasilii Kamenskii and Velimir Khlebnikov created a number of very individual artists' books. Malevich, Tatlin and El Lissitsky were also a substantial influence on the production of book arts.
Book making was an important aspect of the Dada movement and also important for the artists of the Bauhaus in Weimar and the De Stiijl artists in Holland. Artists who worked with the book include Kurt Schwitters who used all kinds of materials and ideas in a highly imaginative way.